Brief Introduction

Aiming at the fields of advanced nuclear energy systems and advanced nuclear technology, the Reactor Group is an innovative team, conducting basic, technical, and engineering research on subcritical reactors, lead-based reactors, nuclear medicine, and new energy systems. 

The group is fully responsible for the reactor work of China Initiative Accelerator Driven System(CiADS), the national major scientific and technological infrastructure, and is undertaking research and design tasks for liquid lead-bismuth-cooled subcritical reactors of CiADS. In addition, the group has undertaken more than ten research projects from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, the China National Nuclear Corporation, the China General Nuclear Power Group, and the State Power Investment Corporation. 

The Reactor Group has undertaken the disciplinary construction and teaching tasks of the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Department of Nuclear Engineering of Lanzhou University.  

The group has established long-standing academic cooperative relationships with many research institutes such as Tsinghua University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Lanzhou University, North China Electric Power University, Royal Swedish Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The group has successfully hosted the 16th National Conference on Reactor Thermal Fluids in 2019. 

Research Fields

1. Reactor physics 

2. Reactor thermal-hydraulics 

3. Nuclear material evaluation 

4. Reactor safety 

5. Reactor systems and equipment 

6. Reactor structural mechanics 

7. Nuclear medicine 

8. Engineering thermophysics 

9. New energy system 



1. Thermal-hydraulic Modeling and Transient Analysis of Helium-cooled Tungsten Target Coupled with ADS Core[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2016, 87:612-620. (SCI) 

2. Accident analysis of tungsten target coupled with ADS core[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41:7059-7068. (SCI) 

3. Preliminary physics study of the lead–bismuth eutectic spallation target for China initiative accelerator-driven system[J]. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2016, 27(5): 120. (SCI) 

4. Development and validation of burnup-transport code system OMCB for accelerator driven system. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 324: 360-371. (SCI) 

5. FreeCAD based modeling study on MCNPX for accelerator driven system[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2018, 107:100-109. (SCI) 

6. CAD modeling study on FLUKA and OpenMC for accelerator driven system simulation[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2018, 114: 329-341. (SCI) 

7. Measurement of tungsten reactivity worth on VENUS-II light water reactor and validation of evaluated nuclear data[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2018, 108:81-88. (SCI) 

8. Development and validation of the code COUPLE3. 0 for the coupled analysis of neutron transport and burnup in ADS[J]. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2018, 29(9): 124. (SCI) 

9. Modification on the contact model of LiPb and noncondensable gas in RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0 and application to LOCA of China DFLL-TBM[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2018, 134:35-42. (SCI) 

10. CFD simulation of pressure wave propagation in the helium coolant tube break accident of DFLL-TBM[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2018, 136:950-957. (SCI) 

11. Evaluation of displacement cross-section for neutron-irradiated 15-15Ti steel and its swelling behavior in CiADS radiation environment[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 133:937-949. (SCI) 

12. Deterministic simulation of the static neutronic characteristics for the lead core of VENUS-II facility[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2019, 133:353-368. (SCI) 

13. HLMIF, a facility for investigating the synergistic effect of ion-irradiation and LBE corrosion[J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2019, 523:260-267. (SCI) 

14. Physical studies of minor actinide transmutation in the accelerator-driven subcritical system[J]. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2019, 30(6). (SCI) 

15. Numerical model and program development of TWH salt cavern construction for UGS[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 179:930-940. (SCI) 

16. The influence of the water injection method on two-well-horizontal salt cavern construction[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 184:106560. (SCI) 

17. Thermal-hydraulic Design and Transient Analysis of Helium-cooled Solid Target for ADS[C]. 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, 2014. (EI) 

18. Concept Design and Thermal-hydraulic Analysis for Helium-cooled ADS[C]. 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, 2015. (EI) 

19. Conceptual Design of Subcritical Reactor for China Initiative Accelerator Driven System[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2017, 51(12):2235-2241. (EI) 

20. Neutronic study on a new concept of accelerator driven subcritical system in China[C]. ICONE26, 2018, ICONE26-81329, V005T05A007. (EI) 

21. Study on Response Characteristic of CiADS Sub-critical Reactor Fuel Cladding under Beam Transient [J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2018, 52(5):931-936. (EI) 

22. Safety Analysis of CiADS Sub-Critical Reactor Fuel Cladding under Beam Transients [J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2018, 39(5):51-57. (EI) 

23. Experiment and Simulation Study for Fuel Rod Worth of Venus-Light Water Reactor[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2018, 52(9): 1665-1670. (EI) 

24. Modification of RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0 for Liquid Metal in Contact with Noncondensable Gas[C]. 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. 2018, London, England. (EI) 

25. Investigation on Thermal-hydraulic Parameters and Instability Under Two Different Heating Conditions Based On RELAP5 Code[C]. 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. 2018, London, England. (EI) 

26. Application of Continuum Modeling of Dense Granular Flow[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2019. (EI) 


1. Locking or lifting mechanism and mothods of reactor fuel assembly[P]. 201711323628.5 

2. A refractive index matching fluid[P]. 201910247620.8 

3. A kind of positioning device and its making and use method with external helicoid groove[P]. 201811472853.X 

4. A kind of positioning device and its application method with internal helicoid groove[P]. 201811599315.7 

5. A kind of visualization fuel rod[P]. 201811616507.4 

6. A locking, unlocking and grabbing lifting device for lead-based reactor fuel assembly[P]. 201910958005.8 

7. A refueling grab mechanism for lead based reactor fuel assemblies[P]. 201910958022.1 

8. A upper pipe base self-locking mechanism for lead-based reactor fuel assembly[P]. 201910925021.7 

9. A lower tube seat buoyancy locking mechanism for lead-based reactor fuel assembly[P]. 201910957810.9 

10. An inner heater and its reactor[P]. 201910411195.1 



GU Long 

Tel: +86-931-4969912 


Mailing Address: 509 Nanchang Road, Lanzhou, 730000, China